The Joan C. Dauber Food Pantry

Phone & Address

675 Tower Avenue
Hartford, CT 06112

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Our History

For over 40 years, the Joan C. Dauber Food Pantry at Saint Francis, previously known as the Saint Francis Emergency Food Bank, has provided food assistance, nutritional counseling, and case management to families and individuals in Hartford and Tolland Counties. Established in 1976, it was the first food pantry located within a hospital setting. Today, the Food Pantry continues its work with support from grants, donations, and contributions from employee-giving who help through drives for diapers and household items. The program is entirely volunteer-operated and coordinated by the Community Health and Well-Being Department.

Our Work

The Joan C. Dauber Food Pantry offers eligible individuals in the Greater Hartford community access to nutritious food and vital resources, addressing their needs through a variety of support programs. 

Our Programs

  • The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) - We participate in TEFAP, a federal program that provides free, nutritious food to low-income individuals and families.
    • Eligibility - To qualify for our services, you must be a resident of Connecticut.
  • Diaper Day Program - For families with children who are newborn up to three years old, the program provides access to essential items like diapers, formula upon availability to parents in need. Provider referrals welcomed.
    • Program Hours - Every third Saturday of the month from 8 - 11:30 AM (Provider referral only)
    • How to Sign Up for Diapers:
      • Call us at (860) 714-2845 to schedule an appointment to submit your application.
      • Complete an application and social care screening.
      • Bring a copy of child’s birth certificate or crib card and parent ID at time of appointment
  • Food Pantry Hours:
    • Monday (9 AM - 2 PM)
    • Wednesday (9 AM - 12 PM | 3 - 5 PM)
    • Thursday (9 AM - 12 PM)
    • To schedule an appointment outside of pantry hours, please contact Marlin Melo, CHW

  • Training for Employment Program (TEP) - The Training for Employment Program (TEP) by COMPASS Youth Collaborative partners with Saint Francis Hospital’s Joan C. Dauber Food Pantry to help young adults affected by gun violence develop job skills through three-month rotations. The program provides career development while supporting the pantry, offering youth a safe environment to learn and grow with the guidance of trained mentors.
  • Thanksgiving Distribution - Each year, clients receive a free bird and holiday fixings, with donations coming from Foodshare and individuals. We distribute 4,500 pounds of food and 900 turkeys/chickens annually.
  • Annual Coat Drive - We collect and distribute new and gently used coats for children and adults in the Greater Hartford community.
  • Diaper Distribution - In partnership with The CT Diaper Bank of Connecticut, we serve families with children under three by providing free diapers. Over 200 families are served each month, with pickups on the third Saturday of every month. Referrals come from community agencies like WIC and local health centers.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where does the food come from? The food is sourced from multiple partners, including donations from local businesses like CT Foodshare, local farmers in partnership with Red Tomato, Freshpoint, Midwest Food Bank, and Urban Alliance.
  • Do clients have access to dairy products? Yes. This includes milk, yogurt, cheese, and other dairy items upon availability.

Community Health Workers

Our team includes dedicated Community Health Workers (CHWs) who help ensure clients are connected with the resources and support they need.


The Joan C. Dauber Food Pantry is proud to work with various community organizations, including:

  • COMPASS Youth Collaborative- Fair Chance Transitional Employment Program
  • CT Foodshare
  • Midwest Food Bank
  • Urban Alliance
  • Red Tomato
  • CT Diaper Bank
  • Hartford Housing Authority
  • Various low income and senior housing sites throughout Hartford

How You Can Help

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